The Crew of Scientists and Specialists
The following UCS scientists and specialists are engaged on an ongoing basis.
For Scientific Research various UCS specialists from all its branches are engaged. Generally, each Scientific Research is a unique one and requires various specialists’ engagement.
Vyacheslav A. Ivanov
An LIAI, Leningrad Institute for Aerospace Instrumentation (currently SUAI, Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation), 1962 graduate, Candidate of Science (Engineering), Doctor of Transport of the Academy for Transport of the Russian Federation; ITA (International Transport Academy) member. Author of numerous scientific works and inventions. Author of a discovery in the Information science branch. UCS founder and CEO. As long as the company exists, he directly takes part in UCS Scientific Research. Honored railwayman.
Vladimir E. Kudryashov
An LPI, Leningrad Polytechnical Institute (currently SPbSPU, Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University), 1969 graduate. Candidate of Science (Engineering). He is engaged in UCS since the moment of foundation. He managed the Scientific Research for several years. The KS-200 and KS-160 overhead systems were created under the management of V.E. Kudryashov. Currently he is a CEO Assistant. An ITA member, honored railwayman.
Vladimir V. Munkin
An UEIRTE, Urals Electromechanical Institute for Railway Transport Engineers (currently Omsk State Transport University, OSTU), 1960 graduate. During his career, he has gone from electrician to the CEO of the Head electrification and energy supply service management of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR/RF (1989-1999). Chief Technical Officer of UCS since 1999. He contributed much to the Russian railway energy supply service development. Author of the “The electric supply service device modernization concept” (the Ministry of Railways of the RF, 1999). An ITA member, honored railwayman.
Eugene V. Kudryashov
An SPbSTU, Saint Petersburg State Technical University (currently SPbSPU, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University), 2000 graduate. Engaged in UCS since 1996. Currently he is a DGD for Science, manages UCS Scientific Research. In 2010 he defended the candidate's dissertation on "Modernizing of the mechanical calculations of the static finite-element overhead catenary models”. An IMISP, International Management Institute of Saint Petersburg, 2003 graduate, Management. Associate assistant at the "Railway Energy Supply Service" at the PSTU, Petersburg State Transport University, delivering lecture course on "The overhead system and electricity transmission lines".
Yuri E. Berezin
A LIRE, Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers (currently PSTU, Petersburg State Transport University), 1965 graduate. Candidate of Science (Engineering). 1980 dissertation on "The helically-cut overhead catenary research". For a long period of time he was engaged in the overhead system group at the “Lengiprotrans" Institute, as well as at the Railway Energy Supply Department at the LIRE. Associate professor. In 1992-1995 he took part in the Cherkezkei-Kapykule area electrification in Turkey, for which he designed the overhead catenary mensural wire calculation methods (which has no analogue in Russia). UCS’s leading specialist since 1995.
Nikolay V. Belyaev
A LETI, Leningrad State Electrotechnical Institute (currently ETU, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University), 1975 graduate. Candidate of Science (Engineering). Engaged in UCS since 1992. Currently he manages UCS standardized design department, manages and personally participate in the catenary system connection functionality peculiarity research and advancement.
Sergei L. Butalov
An LSI, Leningrad Shipbuiding Institute (currently SPbSMTU, Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University), 1972 graduate. Speciality: master mechanic. Engaged in UCS since 1995. Currently he is the UCS leading specialist. He is engaged in the catenary system component research and advancement thereof. He also masters the innovative materials and technologies. An ITA member. He has over 100 licenses and certificates of invention.
Yuri L. Dovgalev
An LSI, Leningrad Shipbuiding Institute (currently SPbSMTU, Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University), 1955 graduate. Candidate of Science (Engineering). Laureate of the USSR state prize. Engaged in UCS since 1999. Leading designer. He is engaged in the catenary system component research and advancement thereof. He also masters the innovative materials and technologies and construction calculation method advancement.
Dmitri I. Tcherednikov
An SPbSPU, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, 2002 graduate. Master mechanic. Engaged in UCS since 2003. Currently he is the UCS’s leading specialist. He is actively engaged in modification of the catenary system connection calculation methods.
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