Software Development
UCS does its best to advance methods of the catenary systems design, thus seeking to achieve its goal: improving the work quality, while reducing labor and time costs. The whole software package has been developed to computerize the design-and-planning engineers’ work, including:
1. Distributed load upon freely hung wires and overhead catenaries calculation
2. Point load from freely hung wires and overhead catenaries onto the supporting structures calculation
3. Determination of maximum allowed overhead catenary span length
4. Mechanical freely hung wire calculation
5. Typical reclining non-insulated balance lever and steady brace selection depending on the implementation conditions
6. Horizontal insulated balance lever and steady brace parameter selection de-pending on the implementation conditions
7. Overhead catenary steel structure clamps selection and mounting drawing scheming
8. Bracket-type support loads, torque and typical support structure selection calculation.
9. Steel structure vertical brace loads, torque and typical support structure se-lection calculation
10. Steel structure vertical brace loads, torque and typical waist rail selection calculation
11. Optimal equalized overhead catenary artificial construction clearway pa-rameter calculation
12. Optimal semi-equalized overhead catenary artificial construction clearway parameter calculation
13. Mensural contact wire dropper calculation and contact wire dropper in-stallation mounting drawing issue
14. Supporting structure and steel structure stiffeners scheming and mounting drawing issue
15. Haul and station aggregate, anchor and supporting structure specification listing
16. Interactive overhead system planning
17. Overhead catenary static parameter calculation program based on the FEM-modeling
18. Overhead catenary static parameter calculation program based on the FEM-modeling taking external exposure into account
19. Overhead catenary dynamic parameter calculation program based on the FEM-modeling
20. Program for calculation of collecting pantograph and overhead catenary dynamic exposure parameters
The software is based on UCS-developed and modified overhead system connection calculation methods.Copyright © 2004-2025 J.S.C. «UNIVERSAL CATENARY SYSTEMS» Developed by«Internet Promotion»