Modification of the catenary system high-precision adjustment technology
The pantograph-catenary interaction quality and, subsequently, the current-collection system technical-and-economic indices depend on both overhead catenary parameter design values and how properly a catenary is adjusted. International standards establish strict requirements to high-velocity catenary adjustments quality. In the overhead catenary installation practice, however, it proves challenging to meet all those requirements in actual reconstruction conditions. Furthermore, significant timing budget is required to meet the requirements mentioned. The practice indicates that in the restricted installation "gap” conditions, the majority of the requirements are not met.
The overhead catenary installation technology improvement aimed at the reduction of time, spent on high-precision adjustments, is possible based on the research of the adjustment quality indicators sensitivity to the accuracy of mounting parameters. The sensitivity analysis enables to determine the efficient location tolerance for setting of the overhead catenary adjustment parameters.
The overhead system adjustment is greatly influenced by the contact wire low temperature creeping effect (the "stretching”), which has not undergone sufficient study up to nowadays.
An actual goal of UCN’s Scientific Research is a research aimed at the reduction of time to be spent on the overhead catenary adjustment.Copyright © 2004-2025 J.S.C. «UNIVERSAL CATENARY SYSTEMS» Developed by«Internet Promotion»