Catenary system life-cycle systematic information support
JSC Russian Railways discovered some energy supply service development trends, including: new high velocity overhead system technical solution design as well as implementation of advanced technology and organizational creation and servicing principles thereof.
The worldwide spread CALS-technologies (continuous acquisition and life cycle support) have contributed to the solution of complex tasks when creating high technology products, and proven their high-tech product life-cycle information support technology efficiency. Implementation of the CALS-concept enables to provide instant control production processes handling and control, and to carry on further service systematic information support.
At present, the concept is implemented by UCN into the overhead system design, construction, and servicing process.
The life-cycle management goals are: On one hand, it is to ensure the production high quality, while on the other hand - reduction of the time spent on creation and total design, construction and further service expenditure.
Application of the CALS-concept means: provision of efficient interaction between those who take part in the life-cycle (e.g. customer, designers, constructors, draftsmen, producers and suppliers, installation crews, servicing organizations, etc.) based on the special information system; implementation of management technologies (e.g. quality, project and budget management) as well as implementation of the catenary system information support specialized means.Copyright © 2004-2025 J.S.C. «UNIVERSAL CATENARY SYSTEMS» Developed by«Internet Promotion»